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Chase Your Dream of Flight

and Join the

Paramotor Training

Training in all areas necessary to start your powered paragliding hobby and get you flying safely for years to come!

Ground Handling

To maximize your success in paramotoring, prioritizing your ground handling skills is essential. Keeping your kiting skills sharp not only enhances your flying experience, but also improves launch safety and extends the lifespan of your gear. At Sky Hikers, we place a strong emphasis on developing and maintaining excellent ground control.

Launching and Landing

The hardest part of paramotoring is the ground,  making launching and landing the most important part of learning to fly.  Sky Hikers' approach to flight training simplifies the process by breaking it down into manageable steps and emphasizing repetition to establish safe habits right from the start.

Equipment and Motor Maitenance

Paramotoring equipment is crucial for safety and should be treated with the utmost care. Good habits learned at Sky Hikers can improve the longevity of your gear, save you money, and reduce frustration. Our training covers important topics such as motor maintenance, preventative care, and carburetor cleaning.

Airspace and the FAA

The joy of soaring like a bird comes with the responsibility of adhering to regulations. The FAA imposes regulations and airspace laws must also be observed. At Sky Hikers, we help you become familiar with these rules through practical examples until they become second nature

Safety and Sport Progression

Safety in this sport can not be over emphasized.  Yes, this sport has risks, but with proper training the risks can be minimized and mitigated quite well.   At Sky Hikers, teaching safety is one of the main focuses. Safe launching, safe landing, safe flying, safe progression, safe gear, safe decision making.


Why Train With Sky Hikers

Sky Hikers offers comprehensive flight training to establish solid fundamentals and promote safe habits. We provide a range of motors for you to try before purchasing your own and train at a high altitude of 5300ft, preparing you for diverse launch conditions. With comfortable lodging options like bunking, camping, and RV (no hook ups), community kitchen, and recreation activities, your training retreat at Sky Hikers is not only effective, but also enjoyable. Family members are welcome to join you during training. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Sky Hikers is ready to help you take the next step in powered paragliding!

Are you ready to have post flight smiles that hurt your face?


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